Little Free Library

Written by Jessica Chaffins

A few months ago the principal from a local elementary school was looking for someone who would be up to the task of making a little free library for her school.  If you are not familiar,  there is a website,, that is a global registry for neighborhood libraries or book nooks.  These are small libraries that are filled with donated books.  There is essentially no time limit on how long you borrow a book, it isn’t even required to be returned to the same little library.  You can borrow a book here and return to it to a library in Colorado, heck even China!!  You are only asked to donate a book for every one you take.  To find out more info, click the link above and see what they are all about. 

Anyway, of course, we snatched up the chance to help out…Jeff gets to do what he loves doing and I get to draw and paint!! Woohoo!!  What made Jeff even more excited was that a few months prior he received [another] Wood magazine with a set of plans for a small book nook in the issue.  So there was no debating on which plan he would want to try out for this task.

Wood Magazine’s Neighborhood Book Nook

He did build it pretty much to how the plan called for, just made a few cosmetic changes to accommodate for the painting.  Since it was going to be located at an elementary school,  I wanted to put popular children’s book covers on three of the sides.  Wanted it to be colorful and bright, always out to catch a child’s eye!!

We were extremely excited with how it turned out and even more thrilled when the staff of the school loved it even more.  This was such a fun project to do and I highly recommend doing this no matter where you live!!  Not just creating a library but actually getting a community together to spread so much knowledge and allowing imaginations to flourish!!!

We hope that you saw something here today to help you during your own crafting & life adventures. We encourage our readers to share their own projects in the comments as we absolutely LOVE seeing what others were inspired to create. We also kindly ask that comments be polite or constructive.
– Sincerely Renee & Jessica

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